Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The List as of January 2009

Things I Want to Do Before I Die (in no particular order)
  1. Try every type of alcohol…in the same night
  2. Run a marathon
  3. Meet a midget…and bring home to play with
  4. Train in martial arts…in the Far East
  5. Learn wine tasting…in France
  6. Do something truly altruistic…and tell no one
  7. Get my 15 minutes of fame
  8. Discover a species
  9. Handle wild animals like Steve Irwin for a day
  10. Make a video for friends and family to play at my funeral
  11. Be debt-free…for 3 days only
  12. Learn how to sail
  13. Pet a wild penguin
  14. Take my birthday off every year
  15. Go to Carnival in Brazil…and ride in one of the floats
  16. Make over $100k a year…and live like I make $50k
  17. Go to a masquerade party
  18. Try absinthe
  19. Live on a boat
  20. Travel faster than sound
  21. Go to a Superbowl
  22. Take Wife some place where she dresses in a formal gown
  23. Make a hole-in-one
  24. Be the first bad impression of an American for someone
  25. Learn Chinese
  26. Get banned for life from someplace
  27. Rob a bank
  28. Make over $150k a year…and live like I make $75k
  29. Write a will
  30. Run a 5K…under 22 minutes
  31. Save over $1mill for retirement
  32. Visit 40 different countries…and dance in every one
  33. Taste an endangered species
  34. Reenact a battle as a Roman
  35. Give away $1million to charity
  36. Host a 200+ person party…with people of different races
  37. Build a tree house
  38. Sue someone or a company
  39. Deep-sea fish
  40. Run for office…and don't even try to get elected
  41. SCUBA dive
  42. Retire at 50
  43. Set a world record
  44. Invent something
  45. Bench 225
  46. Have a great dane
  47. Learn Spanish
  48. Ride in a military jet
  49. Be a fireman
  50. Parachute…in a wing suit
  51. Break 10 laws in one day…None Moving Violations
  52. Never weigh over 195lbs
  53. Win over $10k in a poker tournament
  54. Visit every continent
  55. Do something so sweet Wife cries every year
  56. "Convert" a Christian
  57. Beat up someone…who deserves it
  58. Own a motorcycle
  59. Own a painting from an 18th or 19th century master
  60. Learn the sword…and collect antique ones
  61. Make a bet in Vegas for way more than I can afford
  62. Volunteer with Hospice
  63. Ride a camel in a desert
  64. Jump from a cliff
  65. Bury a treasure and make a map
  66. Write 10 love notes a year to Wife
  67. Be on fire
  68. Buy a $5,000 suit
  69. Disprove a myth
  70. Steal candy from a baby
  71. Get a tattoo
  72. Go to jail…for a stupid reason
  73. Streak…with 300+ people to witness
  74. Golf under 80
  75. Get into orbit
  76. Leave myself a letter to read in 20 years
  77. Climb an active volcano
  78. Hustle someone at pool
  79. Luge - Street or Ice
  80. Play with a tiger
  81. Crash a wedding
  82. Crash a funeral…drunk
  83. Write a book
  84. Cow tip
  85. Name a street
  86. Pay for someone to go to college
  87. See a World Cup Final
  88. Try most illegal drugs…once each
  89. Go to jail…for a good reason
  90. Save over $2mill for retirement…and live off the interest
  91. Skinny dip…in all 7 seas of the world
  92. Learn to cook well
  93. Swim in the ocean…with no land in sight at night
  94. Make over $75k a year…and live like I make $50k
  95. Start my own company
  96. Meet a King
  97. Do something truly evil…and tell no one
  98. Get a pilot license
  99. Give a beggar or panhandler all the money in my pocket
  100. Use super glue in a vicious way
  101. Learn cricket
  102. Have lunch/dinner with 50 old friends…with whom I've never had lunch
  103. Teach a college class
  104. Drive 200mph
  105. Drive 160mph
  106. Start a cult
  107. Meet an elected President/Chancellor/etc…
  108. Bungee Jump…in the dark
  109. Publish something
  110. Ski the Alps
  111. Eat a penguin
  112. Learn French
  113. Get a picture of me as a cowboy, fireman, policeman, astronaut, and praetorian
  114. Put random relatives in my will
  115. Celebrate 50 years of marriage
  116. Live like a vagrant
  117. Take Mom, Mark, Cheryl, and Wife on a cruise…to the Bermuda triangle
  118. Learn guitar…and play for a crowd
  119. Join the Mile-High Club
  120. Do 100 push-ups
  121. Make a lifelong enemy
  122. Visit all 7 wonders of the world
  123. Dance with a tribe
  124. Write a song
  125. End a fashion craze…like those stupid huge sunglasses
  126. Weigh 185lbs
  127. Attend an inaugural ball in DC…that the Pres shows up for

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